Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Goodnight Moon ABC: An Alphabet Book

A new take on an oldie, but goodie!

Brown, Margaret Wise.
Goodnight Moon ABC: An Alphabet Book.
June 2010.
Review copy provided courtesy of publisher.

In this sequel (of sorts) to Goodnight, Moon, readers have the opportunity to explore bedtime in an all new way! Goodnight Moon ABC: An Alphabet Book introduces readers to a plethora of items (Air through Zzzz...). So many things can be found in the famous, recognizable green bedroom. Children are encouraged to search for them all, and in doing so, will begin to make a connection between written words and meaning (objects illustrated throughout).

Goodnight, Moon was pretty much one of my favorite books as a child - in fact, I just two weeks ago found my childhood copy (I believe the copyright on it was 1974). It's certainly a timeless treasure that has been considered one of the greatest bedtime reads of all times and this would be a welcome companion to it! Your beginning readers will love being able to "read" Goodnight Moon ABC: An Alphabet Book all on his/her own or to you and/or younger siblings. Definitely a must have for your little ones!

Learning/Reading Activity:
  • Use the two books, Goodnight, Moon and Goodnight Moon ABC: An Alphabet Book together. As you are reading the ABC version, have your child look through the original text, locating all of the objects found within that treasured green bedroom! Let this be a bedtime treasure hunt. Hide some of the same objects in your child's bedroom, turn on a nightlight and allow your child to "search" their own room from the bed while they are trying to fall asleep!

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